Benfield, M.C.; Warner, J.L.; Morton, L.; Talbot, A.

    Habitat Requirements and Environmental Factors Controlling Shrimp Production in the Brazil/Guiana Continental Shelf Area

    Volume 48
    Noviembre, 1995

    Colom, R.; Tejeda, J.C.

    Las Pesquerías Alrededor de Los FAD’s en La Bahía de Neyba, Barahona, República Dominica

    Volume 48
    Noviembre, 1995

    Pugibet, E.; Sluka, R.; Almánzar, L.; Hernández, M.

    Estudio Pesquero en el Parque Nacional del Este, República Dominicana

    Volume 48
    Noviembre, 1995

    Hatcher, B.G.; Corless, M.; Goodridge, R.; Scott, S.

    Testing mechanisms by which marine protected areas export fish to adjacent habitats: The soufriere experiment in reef fisheries sustainability (SERFS)

    Volume 48
    Noviembre, 1995

    León, Y.; Pugibet, E.; Sluka, R.

    The Abundance of Fishes in Shallow, Algal/Seagrass Habitats in the Waters Surrounding Parque Nacional del Este, Dominican Republic

    Volume 48
    Noviembre, 1995

    Appeldoorn, R.S.; Recksiek, C.W.; Hill, R.L.; Pagan, F.; Dennis, G.D.

    Processes Affecting the Emigration of Reef Fishes from Reserve Areas: Ontogenetic Migrations and Habitat Requirements of Haemulid Fishes

    Volume 48
    Noviembre, 1995

    Vieira, A.; Black, K.L.; Woodley, J.D.; Sary, Z.

    The Discovery Bay Fishery Reserve: Its Development, Management, Monitoring Plans, and Current Status

    Volume 48
    Noviembre, 1995

    Holland, S.M.; Ditton, R.B.; Graefe, A.R.

    An Ecotourism Perspective on Caribbean Billfish Fisheries

    Volume 48
    Noviembre, 1995

    Waugh, G.T.

    Just How Do You Write and Implement One of Those Fishery Management Plans Anyway?

    Volume 48
    Noviembre, 1995

    Nichols, K.E.; Chase, V.M.

    Island Systems Management: A New Concept of Coastal Zone Management for Small Islands

    Volume 48
    Noviembre, 1995