Johnson, M; J. Koss; E. Towle

    From Habitat Mapping to Fish Abundance: NOAA’s coral reef monitoring program, methodologies, and usefulness as a Caribbean-wide tool for fishery-independent sampling.

    Volume 72
    November, 2019

    Pattengill-Semmens, C.

    A Clearer Picture: How Digital Cameras and Other Technologies have changed Marine Life Surveys over the Last Three Decades

    Volume 72
    November, 2019

    Semmens, B; C.V. Pattengill-Semmens; M. Kramarz

    Long-Term Trends in Caribbean Parrotfish Abundance at Local, Regional, and Basin-wide Scales: Implications for Fisheries and Ecosystem Management

    Volume 72
    November, 2019

    Santos-Martínez, A; A. Rojas Archbold; M.I. García Escobar; C.Y. Llanos Ruiz

    Dynamics of Artisanal Fisheries and Proposals for Sustainable Management, Providencia and Santa Catalina, Colombian Caribbean Seaflower Biosphere Reserve

    Volume 72
    November, 2019

    Tzadik,O.E; W.S. Arnold; M. Brooks; J.J. Cruz-Motta; G. Garcia-Moliner; M. del Mar Lopez; T.L. Rankin; A.M. Sabine; S.P. Stephenson

    Using Opportunistic Datasets to Infer Spatial Management Strategies of Local Fisheries in the U.S. Caribbean Region

    Volume 72
    November, 2019

    Paris, M.L; S.T.Szedlmayer

    Validation of Annular Increments and Formation Timing in Otoliths of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus)

    Volume 72
    November, 2019

    Bolser, D; J.P. Egerton; A. Grüss; T.C. Loughran; T. Beyea; K Mccain; B.J. Gallaway; B.E. Erisman

    Drivers of Variation in the Distributions of Fishes Associated with Petroleum Platforms in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico as Derived from Submersible-rotating Video Surveys

    Volume 72
    November, 2019

    Abril-Howard, O; R. Azcarate; A. Abril-Howard; A. Rojas-Archbold; J. Medina Calderon

    Deep Sea Monitoring Using ROV Technologies in the San Andres, Providence and Santa Catalina Archipelago, Colombian Caribbean.

    Volume 72
    November, 2019

    Wongbusarakum, S; T. Kindinger; M. Gorstein

    Do Scientists and Managers Think and Feel the Same About Data? Insights from the Pacific Island Region

    Volume 72
    November, 2019

    Cambronero-Solano, S; R. Benavides;F. Solís-Marín; J.J. Alvarado

    New Reports of Echinoderms on the Caribbean Continental Slope of Central America

    Volume 72
    November, 2019