Milon, J.W.; Larkin, S.L.; Ehrhardt, N.

    Implications of Optional Effort Reductions in the Florida Commercial Spiny Lobster Fishery

    Volume 52
    November, 1999

    Wilson, J.D.K.; Murray, P.A.

    The Changing Face of Fisheries in the Economics of OECS Member States

    Volume 52
    November, 1999

    McConney, P.

    Organising Fisherfolk in Barbados Without Completing a Clean Round

    Volume 52
    November, 1999

    Kinch, A.

    A Fisherman’s Dilemma and Fisheries Management

    Volume 52
    November, 1999

    Willoughby, S.; Cecil, R.G.

    Evolution of the Fisheries Fleet in Barbados: Causes and Implications

    Volume 52
    November, 1999

    Murray, P.A.; Nichols, K.E.; Chase, V.M.; Hodge, R.

    Logical Framework Analysis as a Tool for Management of a Tropical Fishery

    Volume 52
    November, 1999

    Ramos-Miranda, J.F.; Sosa-López, A.; Flores-Hernández, D.; Do-Chi, T.

    Variables Ambientals como Factores Importantes en la Distribución y Abundancia de Juveniles de Camarón blanco (Litopenaeus setiferus) en la Laguna de Términos, Sur del Golfo de México

    Volume 52
    November, 1999

    Haas, H.L.; Shaw, R.F.; Rose, K.A.; Benfield, M.C.; Keithly Jr., W.R.

    Regression Analysis of the Relationships Among Life Stage Abundances of Brown Shrimp, Penaeus aztecus, and Environmental Variables in Southern Louisiana, USA

    Volume 52
    November, 1999

    Luckhurst, B.E.; Trott, T.M.; Manuel, S.

    Preliminary Results from an Experimental Trap Fishery for the Spotted Spiny Lobster, Panulirus guttatus, in Bermuda

    Volume 52
    November, 1999

    Acosta, C.A.

    Assessment of the Functional Effects of a Harvest Refuge on Spiny Lobster and Queen Conch Populations at Olover’s Reef, Belize

    Volume 52
    November, 1999