Brito-Manzano, N.; Aldana-Aranda, D.

    La Larvicultura de Strombus gigas en el Laboratorio de Biología Marina del CINVESTAV IPN Unidad Mérida

    Volume 54
    November, 2001

    Shawl, A.; Davis, M.; Corsaut, J.

    Captive Breeding for the Gastropod Conch (Strombus spp.)

    Volume 54
    November, 2001

    Jeffs, A.; Davis, M.

    An Assessment of the Aquaculture Potential of the Caribbean Spiny Lobster, Panulirus argus

    Volume 54
    November, 2001

    Power, R.

    Harvest of Settlement Stage Reef Fish for Small-scale Grow-out or Stock Enhancement: A Feasibility Study on the Family Haemulidae

    Volume 54
    November, 2001

    Clark, S.A.; Danylchuk, A.J.

    Introduction to the Turks and Caicos Islands Bonefish Research Project Tagging Program

    Volume 54
    November, 2001

    Harris, L.E.; Pardee Woodring, M.

    Artificial Reefs for Submerged and Sub-aerial Habitat Protection, Mitigation, and Restoration

    Volume 54
    November, 2001

    McCawley, J.R.; Cowan Jr., J.H.; Shipp, R.L.

    Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Diet in the North-Central Gulf of Mexico on Alabama Artificial Reefs

    Volume 54
    November, 2001

    Pardee Woodring, M.

    The TCI Experience: Pros and Cons of Developing Eco-tourism Related Activities

    Volume 54
    November, 2001

    Ditton, R.B.; Thailing, C.E.

    The Economic Impacts of Sport Divers Using the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary

    Volume 54
    November, 2001

    Thailing, C.E.; Ditton, R.B.

    Demographics, Motivations, and Participation Patterns of Sport Divers in the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary

    Volume 54
    November, 2001