Mahon, R.; Mascia, M.B.
The Barbados (alias Folkestone) Marine Reserve, Barbados: A Late Bloomer?
Volume 54
November, 2001
Howard, M.; Connolly, E.; Taylor, E.; Mow, J.M.
Community-based Development of Multiple-use Marine Protected Areas: Promoting Stewardship and Sharing Responsibility for Conservation in the San Andres Archipelago, Colombia
Volume 54
November, 2001
Glazer, R.A.; Delgado, G.A.; Kidney, J.A.
Estimating Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) Home Ranges using Acoustic Telemetry: Implications for the Design of Marine Fishery Reserves
Volume 54
November, 2001
Delaney, J.M.
Community Capacity Building in the Designation of the Tortugas Ecological Reserve
Volume 54
November, 2001
Cowen, R.K.; Paris, C.B.; Olson, D.B.; Fortuna, J.L.
The Role of Long Distance Dispersal versus Local Retention in Replenishing Marine Populations
Volume 54
November, 2001
Claro, R.; Lindeman, K.C.
Spawning Aggregation Sites of Snapper and Grouper Species (Lutjauidae and Serranidae) on the Insular Shelf of Cuba
Volume 54
November, 2001
Christensen, J.D.; Jeffrey, C.F.G.; Caldow, C.; Monaco, M.E.; Kendall, M.S.; Appeldoorn, R.S.
Cross-Shelf Habitat Utilization Patterns of Reef Fishes in Southwestern Puerto Rico
Volume 54
November, 2001
Caselle, J.E.; Hamilton, S.L.; Warner, R.R.
The Interaction of Retention, Recruitment, and Density-Dependent Mortality in the Spatial Placement of Marine Reserves
Volume 54
November, 2001
Bohnsack, J.A.
Shifting Baselines, Marine Reserves, and Leopold’s Biotic Ethic
Volume 54
November, 2001
Appeldoorn, R.S.; Friedlander, A.; Sladek Nowlis, J.; Ussegilo, P.; Mitchell-Chui, P.
Habitat Connectivity in Reef Fish Communities and Marine Reserve Design in Old Providence-Santa Catalina, Colombia
Volume 54
November, 2001