Perry, H., C. Trigg, D. Johnson
Distribution and Aspects of the Life History of the Deepwater Geryonid Crab, Chaceon quinquedens, in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Volume 63
November, 2010
Ocaña, F. y A. Fernández
Aspectos sobre la Ecología y a Pesquería Recreativa de Donax striatus (Bivalvia, Donacidae) en Playa Las Balsas, Gibara, Cuba
Volume 63
November, 2010
Monrroe, J., J. Mata-Acuña, G. Martinez, y R. Guzmán
Variación Temporal del Contenido de Metales Trazas en el Molusco Arca zebra, Agua y Sedimentos Superficiales, Extraidos del Banco Natural Coche-Chacopata, Estado Sucre, Venezuela
Volume 63
November, 2010
McCauley, S., E. Parish, T. Turner, and L. Walters
High Larval Settlement of the Long-spined Black Sea Urchin, Diadema antillarum, in the United States Virgin Islands.
Volume 63
November, 2010
Hernandez-Delgado, E., A. Alvarado, R. Laureano, K. Flynn, and S. Griffin
Seawall Construction Activities Cause a Localized Mass Mortality of Threatened Elkhorn Coral (Acropora palmata) at Vega Baja, Puerto Rico
Volume 63
November, 2010
Bissada-Gooding, C. and H. Oxenord
Observing Queen Conch Density and Behaviour in Barbados
Volume 63
November, 2010
Anderson, J. and D. Behringer
PaV1 Detection by the Caribbean Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) and its Effect on Population Spatial Structure
Volume 63
November, 2010
Vega, M.E. y M. Hernández
Estado de Salud de las Lagunas Costeras de Yucatán, México: Índice de Integridad Biótica
Volume 63
November, 2010
Schärer-Umpierre, M., M. Nemeth, and H. Ruiz
Enhancing Condado Lagoon Essential Fish Habitat with an Artificial Taíno Reef Trail
Volume 63
November, 2010
Orvañanos-Donis, D.P. and J.R. Garza-Perez
Definition of Benthic Seascapes and Their Temporal Characterization in Sisal Yucatán Mexico.
Volume 63
November, 2010