Haughton, M.O.
The Precautionary Principle in Fisheries Management in CARICOM States
Volume 64
November, 2011
Cox, A.
Socioeconomics of Billfish Sportfishing in Isla Mujeres, Mexico An Evaluation of the Relationship between Willingness to Pay and Catch Per Unit Effort
Volume 64
November, 2011
Michaels, W.L,; Shivlani, M.
Comparison of Scientific Review Processes Used in the Determination of Best Scientific Information Available for Fisheries Management
Volume 64
November, 2011
Savolainen, M.A,; Caffey, R.H,; Kazmierczak, R.F. Jr.
The Recreational For-Hire Sector in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico: Structural and Economic Observations from the Third Decadal Survey
Volume 64
November, 2011
Kojis, B.L,; Quinn, N.J.
Consequences of Management Measures Implemented in the 1st decade of the 21st Century on the Demographic Structure of a Small Scale Artisanal Fishery in the US Virgin Islands
Volume 64
November, 2011
Singh-Renton, S,; Headley, M,; Isaacs,K.
Using Available Data and Stakeholder Knowledge to Resolve a Management Dilemma for a Data-poor Seine Fishery in St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Volume 64
November, 2011
López-Gómez, M.J,; Tuz-Sulub, A,; Perera-Chan, L,; Aguilar-Perera, A.
Diver-Fishermen Volunteering Provided Reliable Data on the Lionfish Invasion in the Alacranes Reef National Park, Mexico
Volume 64
November, 2011
Akins, L,; Green, S,; Schofield, P,; Morris, J.
Lionfish Derbies: An Effective Tool for Local Control?
Volume 64
November, 2011
Sabido Itzá, M.M,; Gómez-Poot, J.M,; Medina Quej, A,; García Rivas, M.C,; Hadad López, W.
Dinámica Poblacional del Pez León (Pterois volitans) en El Parque Nacional Arrecifes de Xcalak (PNAX), Quintana Roo, Caribe Mexicano
Volume 64
November, 2011
de León, R,; Vane, K,; Vermeij, M,; Bertuol, P,; Simal, F.
Overfishing Works: A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Lionfish Control Efforts between Bonaire and Curaçao
Volume 64
November, 2011