Stoner, A.W,; Davis, M.H,; Booker, C.J.
Evidence for a Significant Decline in Queen Conch in the Bahamas, Including the Population in a Marine Protected Area
Volume 64
November, 2011
Cala de la Hera, Y.R,; de Jesús-Navarrete, A,; Oliva-Rivera, J.J,; Ocaña-Borrego, F.A.
Auto-ecology of the Queen Conch (Strombus gigas L. 1758) at Cabo Cruz, Eastern Cuba: Management and Sustainable Use Implications
Volume 64
November, 2011
Cox, S-A,; McConney, P.
The Role Livelihood Outcomes and Strategies Play in the Adaptive Co-management of the Sea Urchin Fisheries in Barbados and St. Lucia
Volume 64
November, 2011
Defoe, J,; Norris, N.J,; Fujii, M.
Co-Management for FAD Fishery to Resolve User Conflict: Dominica Experience
Volume 64
November, 2011
Parsram, K,; Isaac, C,; Calliste, F.
Social-ecological Dynamics and the Effects of Bonding Social Capital on Local Fish Marketing in Grenville, Grenada
Volume 64
November, 2011
Peterson, A,; Fitzsimmons, C,; Forster, J,; Turner, R,; Stead, S,; Mahon, R.
Exploring the Role of Different Actors in Caribbean Coral Reef Governance Through Multi-level Social Networks
Volume 64
November, 2011
Turner, R,; Fitzsimmons, C,; Forster, J,; Mahon, R,; Peterson, A,; Stead, S.
Resource User Perceptions of Marine Governance and Coral Reef Management in the Bay Islands, Honduras
Volume 64
November, 2011
Forster, J,; Lake, I.R,; Watkinson,A.R,; Gill, J.A.
Marine Biodiversity in the Caribbean UK Overseas Territories: Perceived Threats and Constraints to Environmental Management
Volume 64
November, 2011
Vidal, E.
Socioeconomic Characterization of the Fishing Cooperatives of Tampamachoco, Alvarado, Tamiahua and Pueblo Viejo in the State of Veracruz (Mexico): A Test of its Social Reality
Volume 64
November, 2011