González, C.

    Analysis of the Spatial-temporal Abundance of the Sea Urchin Diadema antillarum in Five Sites of Puerto Rico

    Volume 64
    November, 2011

    Gómez Poot, J.M.

    Exploitation of Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus), 2011-2012 Season, in Xcalak Reefs National Park, Quintana Roo, México

    Volume 64
    November, 2011

    Giresi, M.

    Utilization of Molecular Markers to Assess Population Structure of Mustelus canis and to Differentiate among Members of the Shark Family Triakidae in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea

    Volume 64
    November, 2011

    Gill, D,; Schuhmann, P,; Oxenford, H.A.

    Factors Influencing Recreational Diver Satisfaction in Barbados and Honduras

    Volume 64
    November, 2011

    George-Zamora, A,; Patiño, V.

    Colonization of a Swamp Area by the Crown Conch “Caracol chivita” and Emerging of an Artisanal Fishery in Northwest Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

    Volume 64
    November, 2011

    Gautier, F,; Bouchon-Navaro, Y,; Cordonnier, S,; Louis, M,; Bouchon, C.

    Small Invertebrate Motile Fauna Associated to the Seagrass Thalassia testudinum in the Bay of the Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin in Guadeloupe Island (Lesser Antilles)

    Volume 64
    November, 2011

    Gallardo, P,; Gaxiola, G,; Rosas, C,; Villega, P.G,; Martinez, M.E.

    Application of Fish Waste Silage in Feed for Aquatic Organisms: Chemical Characterization and Nutritional Efficiency

    Volume 64
    November, 2011

    Flores Ramos, E.F,; Ramos Miranda, J,; Melo Rodríguez, G,; Flores Hernández, D,; Pech, D,; Ayala-Pérez, L,; Solís-Marín, F.A.

    Distribution, Abundance and Structure of the Florida Sea Cucumber (Holothuria floridana) in the Campeche Coast, Mexico

    Volume 64
    November, 2011

    Fisher, R.

    Biological Assessment of Channeled Whelk (Busycotypus canaliculatus) Populations In The Mid-Atlantic: Regional Management Concerns

    Volume 64
    November, 2011

    Euan, J,; Salas, S,; Muñoz, A,; Palomo-Cortez, L,; Coronado, E.

    Monitoring Vessel System to Determine Fleet Dynamics of Artisanal Fleet in the Southeast Coast of Mexico

    Volume 64
    November, 2011