Díaz Romero, T., E. Domínguez Tejo, and S.R. Schill
Zoning Based on Ecosystems in the Bay of Samana, Dominican Republic
Volume 65
November, 2012
Pina Amargós, F., T. Figueredo Martín, Y. Ventura Díaz, Y. Rodríguez Cueto, D. Cobián Rojas, J. Martínez Fernández, S. Chapman Stable, J. Tamayo Fonseca, Y.A. Paz Rodríguez, A. Medina Valmaseda, R. Fajardo Veloso, Y. Nuñez Acosta, A. Pupo Sánchez, and R. T. Graham
Preliminary Evaluation of Goliath Grouper (Lichtenstein, 1822) Populations in the Cuban Archipelago
Volume 65
November, 2012
Whitener, Z.T. and R.S. Nemeth
Effects of Site and Sampling Time on Motile Cryptic Invertebrate Communities on Fringing Reefs
Volume 65
November, 2012
Urvoix, L., C. Fauvelot, and C. Bouchon
Monitoring of Coral Larval Recruitment on Artificial Settlement Plates at Three Different Depths Using Genetic Identification of Recruits (Guadeloupe Island)
Volume 65
November, 2012
Wetmore, L.S., W.D. Heyman, and J.R. Rooker
Stable Isotopes as Natural Markers of Nursery Productivity for Juvenile Snappers Across Back-reef Habitats in Belize
Volume 65
November, 2012
León-Pérez, M.C., A. Ortiz Prosper, and J. García-Sais
Artificial Colonies of Elkhorn Coral, Acropora palmata, as a Habitat Restoration Technique
Volume 65
November, 2012
Dance, M.A. and J.R. Rooker
Habitat Use and Connectivity of Sub-adult Fishes at Multiple Spatial Scales within an Estuarine Seascape
Volume 65
November, 2012
Bozec, Y-M., L. Alvarez-Filip, and P.J. Mumby
Modelling the Response of Reef Rugosity and Fish Assemblages to Climate Change in the Caribbean
Volume 65
November, 2012
Johnson, D., D.S. Ko, J.S. Franks, P. Moreno, and G. Sanchez-Rubio
The Sargassum Invasion of the Eastern Caribbean and Dynamics of the Equatorial North Atlantic
Volume 65
November, 2012
Garza-Pérez, J.R.
Integral Approach to Coral Reef Assessment and Monitoring
Volume 65
November, 2012