Ali, F.

    10,000+ Lionfish Later What Do We Actually Know About Their Feeding Ecology ?

    Volume 67
    November, 2014

    Green, S. and I. Côté

    Prey Behaviour and Morphology Predict Vulnerability to Predation by Invasive Lionfish on Reef Fishes

    Volume 67
    November, 2014

    Bogdanoff, A., L. Akins, D. Buddo, F.R. Gomez Lozano, B. Glazer,S. Green, L. Creswell, and J. Morris

    The Invasive Lionfish Web Portal

    Volume 67
    November, 2014

    Daves, N.

    NOAA Caribbean Strategy Approved By Administrator

    Volume 67
    November, 2014

    Trotta, K., A. Nardelli, S. Green, L. Akins, B. Gentner, and D. Kerstetter

    Socioeconomics of the Lionfish Derby Fishery

    Volume 67
    November, 2014

    Trégarot, E. and J-P. Maréchal

    Effect of Regular Culling on the Red Lionfish (Pterois volitans) Population in Martinique (FWI)

    Volume 67
    November, 2014

    Chaves, L., J. Feitosa, C. Ormond, and I.M. Côté1

    The Invasion of Indo-Pacific Lionfish Off Bocas del Toro Archipelago, Panama: Are Fishers Doing Their Part?

    Volume 67
    November, 2014

    Eddy, C., J. Pitt, S. Smith, G. Goodbody-Gringley, A. Chequer, and D. Bernal

    The Feeding Ecology of Invasive Lionfish (Pterois volitans and P. miles) in Bermuda

    Volume 67
    November, 2014

    Fogg, A., N.J. Brown-Peterson, and M.S. Peterson

    Northern Gulf of Mexico Lionfish: Insights into Their Reproductive Life History

    Volume 67
    November, 2014

    Hixon, M., M.A. Albins, C.E. Benkwitt, K.E. Ingeman, T.L. Kindinger, T.J. Pusack, L.J. Tuttle, and C.L. Wilcox

    Invasive Lionfish: Threats and Solutions

    Volume 67
    November, 2014