Day, O., N. Eristhee, S. Lee, D. Campbell, and M. Mcnaught

    Community-based Approaches to Marine Science

    Volume 67
    November, 2014

    Carr, L.

    A Cartographic Demonstration on the Value of Fishers’ Ecological Knowledge in Mapping Reef Fish Communities and Fishing Grounds

    Volume 67
    November, 2014

    Carmody, K., A. Mariano, and D. Kerstetter

    A Principal Component Analysis of Vertical Temperature Profiles for Tracking Movements of Swordfish Xiphias gladius

    Volume 67
    November, 2014

    Campbell, D., S. Lee, O. Day, J. Clarke, N. Hassell, and N. Fields

    Strengthening Climate Change Resilience in Caribbean Coastal Communities – Insights from Regional Capacity-building Initiatives

    Volume 67
    November, 2014

    Burrows, F. and W. Goyert

    Implementing the Bahamas Spiny Lobster Fishery Improvement Project to Improve Management of the Fishery

    Volume 67
    November, 2014

    Buglass, S.

    A Study on the Recovery of Tobago ’ s Coral Reefs after a Mass Bleaching Event in 2010

    Volume 67
    November, 2014

    Bouchon, C., M. Trouillefou, S. Lemoine, M. Guillaume, H. Bruggemann, A. Japaud, and Y. Bouchon-Navaro

    Regeneration Capacity of Artificial Lesions on the Coral Porites astreoides (Guadeloupe Island)

    Volume 67
    November, 2014

    Barker, V.,

    The Importance of Oil and Gas Platforms on the Community Structure and Predator-Prey Dynamics of Reef-Associated Fishes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

    Volume 67
    November, 2014

    Barker, B., A. Horodysky, and D. Kerstetter

    Thermal Preferences and Critical Temperatures of Invasive Lionfish Complex (Pterois volitans/P. miles)

    Volume 67
    November, 2014

    Ahrabi-Nejad, S., D. Kerstetter, P. Blackwelder, and D.A. Renegar

    Reproductive Parameters of Coastal Pelagic Fishes

    Volume 67
    November, 2014