Manjarres Martinez, L.M., L.O. Duarte, J. Altamar, F. Cuello, and L. Saavedra

    Bringing Together the Knowledge of Small-scale Fishers and the Scientific Knowledge for Size-based Management Purposes

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Pompa, S., B. Nava, and I. García

    Teacapán, Sinaloa Fisherwomen and their Role in the Production Chain

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Lopez-Galviz, E., E. Cuellar- Rodríguez, M. Leal-Padilla, A. Hernández-Velasco, A. Espinoza, and S. Fulton

    Female Divers of Natividad Island: Inspiring Conservation in the Peninsula of Baja California

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Pacheco Rovira, Lucas

    Marine Spatial Planning: Evaluation of Spatio-temporal Closures by Analyzing the Quotient of Bycatches and Commercial Catches

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Knowles, L., K. Baldwin, and H.A. Oxenford

    Marine Habitat Mapping for Barbados:Ground-truthing Surveys and Analysis to Support Remote Sensing

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Mateos-Molina, D., D. Dorfman, C. F.G. Jeffrey, C. Menza, S. J. Pittman, A Ramos-Alvarez, A. Orthmeyer, and G. Kagesten.

    Marxan as a Key Conservation Tool to Support the Management Plan of the New Puerto Rico Marine Corridor of the Northeast

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Musco, F., F. Appiotti, I. Bianchi, D. Maragno, A. Innocenti, and E. Gissi

    Planning Maritime Space: Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning European Directive (2014/89/Eu) in the Adriatic Ionian Region

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Howard, M. and E. Taylor.

    Challenges to Implementing Regional Marine Spatial Management:The Case of the Seaflower MPA, San Andres Archipelago

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Ogden, J.C.

    Fifty Years of Change in Coastal Ecosystems of the Wider Caribbean and the Eastern Tropical Pacific—with an Eye on the Future

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Walcott, J. and J. Horrocks

    Conservation of Endangered Caribbean Hawksbills: Making a Proposed Marine Protected Area a Reality Along the Multi-use South Coast of Barbados

    Volume 67
    November, 2014