Curtis, J., M. Albins, and C. Stallings

    Do Invasive Lionfish Affect the Diet and Condition of Native Mesopredators?

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Ellis, R. and M. Faletti

    Interactions Between Invasive Lionfish and a Native Predator, Red Grouper (Epinephelus morio)

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Benkwitt, C.E. and M.A. Hixon

    Lionfish Hunting Behavior Across Multiple Habitats: Effect of Local Lionfish Density and Implications for Native Fishes

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Harms Tuohy, C., N.V. Schizas, and R. Appeldoorn

    Pioneering the Use of DNA Metabarcoding for Stomach Content Analysis in the Invasive Lionfish (Pterois volitans) in Puerto Rico

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Ingeman, K.E. and M.A. Hixon

    Invasive Lionfish Increase Density-independent Mortality and Cause Local Extinctions of Native Prey on Atlantic Coral Reefs

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Kindinger, T.L., M.A. Albins, and M.A. Hixon

    Consumptive and Non-consumptive Effects of an Invasive Marine Predator on Native Coral-reef Herbivores

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Eddy, C., J. Pitt, S. Smith, J. Morris, and D. Bernal

    Feeding Ecology and Prey Selectivity of Invasive Lionfish (Pterois volitans and P. miles) in Bermuda: What’s for Dinner and Why?

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Kindinger, T.L. and E.R. Anderson

    Preference of Invasive Lionfish and Native Grouper Between Congeneric Prey Fishes

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Drinkwater, E., B. Collen, and J. Pitt

    Developing a Shark Management Plan for Bermuda: An Alternative Approach

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Ali, L.

    A Profile of the Trinidad and Tobago Shark Fishery

    Volume 68
    November, 2015