Cuello , F.J. and L.M. Manjarrés-Martínez

    Fishes of the Gerreidae Family in Laguna de Términos, Campeche, México

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Flores Hernández, D., J. Ramos Miranda, and A. Sosa-López

    Environmental Variations and Population Changes at Local Scale:

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Ramos Miranda, J., D. Flores Hernández, A. Sosa-López, and E. F. Flores Ramos

    Long-term Changes in Fish Assemblage Structure and Function of Terminos Lagoon, Campeche, Mexico

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Guéné, M., C. Dromard, Y. Bouchon-Navaro, S. Lemoine, and C. Bouchon

    Contamination Dynamic of Chlordecone in Trophic Chains of Guadeloupe Coastal Ecosystems

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Tzadik, O., D. Jones, E. Peebles, and C. Stallings

    Where Have They Been Hiding? Spatial Distributions and Ontogenetic Movements of Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus itajara) in the State of Florida

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Gautier, F., T. Meziane, Y. Bouchon-Navaro, and C. Bouchon

    Trophic Web Functioning of Thalassia testudinum Seagrass Beds in Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles) Using Stable Isotopes and Fatty Acids

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Cooksey, M. and D. Hicks

    Characterization of a South Texas Mesophotic Reef Epibenthic Community

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Schärer-Umpierre, M., R. Appeldoorn, A. Ibrahim, N. Erdol, H. Zhuang, L. Cherubin, and B. Ouyang

    Automating Fish Sound Recognition in Spawning Aggregations: Application of Passive Acoustics in Fisheries

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Stock, B., L. Waterhouse, S. Heppell, C.V. Pattengill-Semmens, B.X. Semmens, P.G. Bush, C.M. McCoy, and B.C. Johnson

    and Strategy Collection Data using Fishermen Participation

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Rodriguez Gil, L.A., C.F. Reyes-Sosa, J.L. Giorgana-Figueroa, S. Nahuat-Dzib, and A.I. Trejo-Ramos

    Current Fishery Status for Grouper in the Yucatán State, Mexico

    Volume 68
    November, 2015