Vega, A.J. and Y.A. Robles

    Biological and Fisheries Analyses of the Pacific Red Snapper (L. peru),  Spotted Rose Snapper (L. guttatus) and Yellow Tail Snapper (L. argentiventris) in the Coiba National Park and its Area of Influence

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Torres-Talamante, O., R. Graham, I. Baremore, and S. Strindberg

    Fisheries-independent Survey of Sharks and Rays in Banco Chinchorro, Mexico

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Thompson, R.

    Benefits of Participating in the GCFI Sponsored Caribbean Fisheries Professional Development Program

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Sulikowski, J., C. Wheeler, A. Gallagher, B. Prohaska, J. Langan, and N. Hammerschlag

    Seasonal and Life-stage Variation in the Reproductive Ecology of a Marine Apex Predator, the Tiger Shark (Galeocerdo cuvier), at a Protected Female Aggregation Site

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Sinkus, W., V. Shervette, and B. White

    Mercury Bioaccumulation in Six Species of Marine Fishes from Waters of the Southeastern US

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Nikola Simpson

    Sharks of Barbados

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Scharer-Umpierre, M., K. Clouse, E. Tuohy, and R. Appeldoorn

    Temporal Variability in a Spawning Aggregation of Nassau Grouper (Epinephelus striatus)

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Sanz, N. and B. Diop

    A Search-matching Model of Fisheries

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Santos-Martínez, A., J.E. Mancera Pineda, E. Castro González, M. Sjogreen Velasco, and H.C. Bent Hooker

    Priorization of Sustainable Management Actions of Artisanal Fisheries in the Colombian Seaflower Biosphere Reserve, Caribbean

    Volume 68
    November, 2015

    Saavedra-Diaz, L.M., A. Rosenberg, R. Pomeroy

    Equivalent Management Challenges from Caribbean and Pacific Colombian Small-Scale Fishing Communities

    Volume 68
    November, 2015