Volume 53
Understanding the Impacts of the Florida Net Ban CArticle X, Section 16 of the State Constitution)
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Date: 2002
Pages: 378-392
Event: Proceedings of the Fifty Third Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute
City: Fort Pierce, Florida
Country: USA
This research examines the effects of Artiele X, Section 16 of the Florida State Constitution, which restrieted fue types and sizes of fishing nets that can be usedin state waters. The methodology for the analysis relies on social impact assessment (SIA) and analytic inductive logic (Taylor et al. 1995).\The effects of the net ban amendment are assessed in tenns of stakeholder groups. Groups are identified through a comprehensive review of fue literature pertaining to fisheries management in Florida in the context of the events leading to the net ban amendment being voted upon in a general election in November 1994. Stakeholder groups include the biophysical environment (fish populations) and the commercial and recreational fishing industries.\Fishery resources are examined through data available from the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). When coupled with anecdotal evidence, and the use of inductive logie, conclusions are reached about the effects of the net ban on the restoration of selected fish species.\The net ban amendment affected certain commercial fishers who depended on nets for their livelihood. Because small-scale commereial fishers are involved, the effect on commereial fishing families is assessed and reported. The dissatisfaction of these commercial fishers, manifested in protests and illegal activities, are also examined.\Recreational anglers view the net ban as a change in fisheries management practices in the state of Florida. The recreational angling literature regards the net ban as a success for conservation practices in the state. To examine the effects on recreational anglers, the conclusions reached about fishery resources are related to angling satisfaction, a necessary component of the recreational angling experience.