Volume 69

Treating Gender-blindness:Some Considerations for Caribbean Fisheries Projects Implemented at the Community Level

Blackman, K., and V. Nicholls
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Date: November, 2016

Pages: 372

Event: Proceedings of the Sixty eigth Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: Grand Cayman

Country: Cayman Islands


Fisheries project interventions in the Caribbean implemented by state and non-state actors cannot contribute to the further development of the fishing industry if they remain gender blind. The condition of gender blindness refers to a failure to see gender as an influencing factor of the project. Many gender analysis tools exist to redress gender blindness and gauge the extent to which the needs and priorities of men and women are reflected in the project. The review illustrates how gender can be mainstreamed at various entry points of the project cycle, using a hybrid of the Harvard Analytical and Moser frame-works. It also reflects on some key gender considerations for non-state actors, particularly community-based organisations in the Caribbean applying for project funding under the GEF Small Grants Programme. This communication product is designed to gain attention of these groups as merely a simple attempt to treat gender blindness in fisheries projects at the community level.

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