Volume 52

Tag and Recapture Study of Red Hind and Coney at Three Spawning Aggregation Sites off the West Coast of Puerto Rico

Rosario, A.; Figuerola-Fernández, M.
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Date: November, 1999

Pages: 15-25

Event: Proceedings of the Fifty Second Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: Key West, Florida

Country: USA


A pilot study of mark-recapture for red bind (Epinephelus guttatus) and coney (Cephalopholis fUlva) was started at three closed spawning aggregations off the West Coast of Puerto Rico. It is expected that the closed season and area, will provide for the population, to recover from the heavy fishing pressure to which they are submitted. Also it will provide a better understanding of the movement behavior during the spawning aggregation period of red hinds through other research methods, such as tag and release. A study on this type provides information on the ability of the species to identify their spawning site (homing) and their distribution. Luckhurst (personal communication) has shown that red hinds have the ability to home and identity particular spawning sites.\A total of 314 red hinds and 579 coneys were tagged and released between January and June 1999. At the beginning of the study (first two months) the animals were released, approximately nine kilometers from the area of capture. Thirty-five (35) recaptures of red hinds bave been recorded. representing 7.49% of total tagged individuals. A few red hinds have been recaptured more than once, for instance one individual has been caught three (3) times at the site of first capture. To maximize the probability of recapturing coneys, a single site (Abrir La Siena) was selected to capture and release the last 193 individuals. Thus far, no caney has been recaptured.

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