Volume 74

SCTLD In the Turks & Caicos Islands – A Case Study

Zimmermann. A.
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Date: November. 2021

Pages: 46-47

Event: Proceedings of the Seventy-four Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: Virtual

Country: Virtual


SCTLD arrived in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) in January 2019. This presentation reviews how the Turks & Caicos Reef fund (TCRF) has worked to document. track and manage the disease. We present monitoring findings about the spread of the disease and species affected. Through a network of volunteers conducting Roving Diver Surveys we were able to track the spread of SCTLD eastward along the north shore of the Caicos islands as well as southeastward on the Turks Bank. SCTLD invaded forereefs in all areas of the TCI in approximately two years. The 32 species of stony corals recorded with tissue loss during these surveys currently give the TCI the highest record for affected taxa in the region. We present the results of various treatment trials conducted using Ocean Alchemists products; namely Base2B with Amoxicillin and the non-antibiotic Coral Cure D (CCD). 250+ colonies were treated with B2B/Amoxicillin and monitored over 8 months resulting in 90%+ success rate. In May 2021 TCRF began conducting test trials of CCD and we present the findings from 3+ months. We describe public engagement and outreach efforts via Zoom sessions. talks and events that have generated volunteers and funding. We also comment on long-term restoration plans including the potential role for a land-based stony coral nursery to help preserve the genetic diversity of the TCI’s reefs.

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