Volume 63

Report of the Gladding Memorial Award Regional Fishers Summit: Fishers Working for Sustainable Fisheries

Gladding Memorial Award Committee
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Date: November, 2010

Pages: 542

Event: Proceedings of the Sixty-Third Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: San Juan

Country: Puerto Rico


Since 2004, the Gladding Memorial Award (GMA) has recognized Greater Caribbean fishers who set standards for sustainable fishing and outreach in the region. The first GMA Regional Fishers Summit brought together 11 of the 13 GMA winners and other fishers that represent the wide cultural diversity of the greater Caribbean to develop: a) priorities for the long-term sustainability of fisheries resources and fisheries-related livelihoods, and b) specific strategies and plans to follow up on identified priorities, with managers, scientists, educators, students, and members of the private sector. The Summit occurred at the 62nd annual meeting of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI) in Cumaná, Venezuela, and provided a unique opportunity to address major issues of regional concern from the bottom-up, by highlighting the experiences and opinions of respected fishers throughout the region. Fishers, in consultation with managers, scientists and other stakeholders discussed and prioritzed topics and actions to address key issues for fishers and managers. Priority topics included compliance and enforcement reform, diversification of livelihoods, alternative management approaches, and ecosystem based management opportunities. The long-term goal of the collected participants is that fishers will play a substantially increased role in local and regional fishery management decision-making in manners that will improve the status of both the resources and the fishers? livelihoods. The infrastructure and momentum to implement priority actions is now in place; funding is the critical constraint.

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