Volume 61

Preliminary Results on Growth of Tivela mactroides (Bivalvia, Veneridae) in Guadeloupe (FWI): Indication of its Potential for Shellish Mariculture in the Caribbean

Gros, O. and J-L. Bouchereau.
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Date: November, 2008

Pages: 562-563

Event: Proceedings of the Sixty-First Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: Gosier

Country: Guadeloupe


Biological information on native species are useful as a part of a Caribbean aquaculture due to the fact that environmentally sound aquaculture practices can preserve native species from intensive fishing pressure and limit the use of introduced non-native species. This is why the venerid species Tivela mactroids (Born, 1778), was investigated. A six month study has shown that T. mactroides is characterized by a high growth rate in its natural habitat. The parameters of the Von Bertalanffy growth function were estimated to be L¥ = 50.3 mm, K = 0.129, and t0 = 3.69 months. This work provides the first growth model for the bivalve T. mactroides in the Caribbean region. Thus, a commercial size (30 - 35 mm in shell-length) could be obtained within 13 months from fertilization. The size distribution analysis indicated at least two settlements during this period demonstrating that T. mactroides could spawn several times a year as previously described for other venerid species. However, one attempt of a very small-scale growout culture has shown a slower growth for juveniles reared in oyster bags (average growth rate of 2 mm/month) compared to juveniles burrowed in their natural habitat (average growth rate of 3.3 mm/month). Such differences are probably due to the fact that this venerid species does not filter enough outside sediment to preserve a maximal growth rate. Despite T. mactroides is not yet commercially cultivated, this venerid species represents a potential candidate for the development of a Caribbean bivalve aquaculture based on native species.

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