Volume 55
Historico-cultural and Ecological Evaluation of the Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) in the National park Archipelago of Los Roques, Venezuela
Posada, J.M.; Antczak, A. Download PDF Open PDF in BrowserOther Information
Date: 2004
Pages: 994
Event: Proceedings of the Fifty Fifth Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute
City: Xel Ha
Country: Mexico
The present investigation has as an objective to determine the cultural value associated with the enormous accumulations of shells of botuto (Strombus gigas), dispersed in several keys of the Archipelago of the Roques. The study of some of these conch middens goes back to more than 3000 years of the present, whereas others are of recent origin. The study, financed to two years by the National Foundation of Science, Technology and Innovacion (FONACIT), involves the historical reconstruction of the bio-ecology and fishery of the resource, simultaneously recovering their valuable archeological information. One of the aspects most interesting of the propasal is its interdisciplinary character, which brings together biologists, ecologists and archaeologists share in the logistical and structural challenges that represents working with these conch middens without affecting the context of one of the disciplines. The methodology to use involves the work in situ with the concheros, which will allow to establish its exact location, the determination of its volume and the estimation of the number of accumulated shells in the different periods from operation. Also, it will allow for an accuarate dating of the middents from absolute and relative way by means of the use from carbon 14. The population analysis of the shells in each chronological layer will facilitate understanding of the different regimes of fishing from which has been put under the resource, and to evaluate the periods of recovery. A major aspect of the investigation will allow to formulate recommendations in the orderof fishing handling, conservation of the resource, economic advantage, social enhancement, rescues historical-cultural and scientific development.