Volume 64

Heterotrophic Cultivation Effect on the Immune Status of the Pink Shrimp, Farfantepenaeus duorarum

Pascual Jiménez, C,; Velenzuela, M,; Gaxiola, G,; Rosas, C,; Lara, R.A.

Other Information

Date: November, 2011

Pages: 541

Event: Proceedings of the Sixty-Fourth Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: Puerto Morelos

Country: Mexico


Shrimp farming is an important economic activity that generates a elevated environmental cost, due to high volumes of water required. In recent decades, alternative practices have been tested with minimal water exchange in heterotrophic systems. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of heterotrophic culture on the immune status of juvenile pink, Farfantepaneus duorarum, analyzed through the molting process, as the mobilization of nutrients and immunological effectors during ecdysis, compromise immunity of the cultured organisms. Postlarvae 1 g were stoked at a density of 80 PL/m2 in ponds of 20,000 l. We worked with four replicates per treatment: a) Heterotrophic system (fed with 5% of commercial feed), and b) Natural water (10%). The experiment lasted four months, at the end in 400 shrimp has obtained the hemolymph, digestive gland and determined the state of molt. We analyzed the concentration of hemocytes, hemaglutination activity, respiratory burst, the activity of phenoloxidase and hepatosomatic index by two-way ANOVA to determine the effect of treatment and moulting. Shrimp of heterotrophic system had significantly higher immune components, linked to a higher concentration of bacteria in the hemolymph and in the culture medium, which may be generating an immuno-stimulatory effect. Besides this, a significantly higher hepatosomatic index and low feed conversion indicated the huge potential of this alternative system.