Volume 70
Financial Sustainability of the Fishing Replenishment Zones of Guanaja, Bay Islands
Ochoa,M;J.Anariba Download PDF Open PDF in BrowserOther Information
Date: November, 2017
Pages: 382
Event: Proceedings of the Seventy Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute
City: Merida, Yucatan
Country: México
Aware of the ecological and economical importance of the marine ecosystems, fishermen via alliances with stakehold-ers are implementing actions in order to achieve the creation of a network of Fishing Replenishment Zones (FRZ). This zones are permanent protected species in which any type of extraction or captures are prohibited, possess diversity of marine species and constitute the optimal habitat for the reproduction, growth and refuge. This prohibition allows that after a certain period of time of effective protection, fish grow in size and number, and having such an increase in fishes, this migrate to other areas; generating a spillover effect. A big challenge for the management of the FRZ that are being stab-lished in the country is the financial topic. An identified opportunity is the “Ecotax”, create by the country’s National Congress. This Ecotax finances the protected areas and wildlife fund (FAPVS according Spanish acronym), administered by the National Forestry and Conservation Institute (ICF). This fund is meant to finance management and conservation initiatives of the country. In Guanaja, which features two FRZ with an area coverage of 15.63 km2, enabled the establish-ment of an environmental fund. This fund stems from the voluntaries contributions of tourists that visit the island (USD$10/p). Of the total recollected, 33% goes to BICA, 33% for the EMU, 33% for the groups of organized fisherman and 1% for administrative expenses. The environmental fund finances the following activities: implementation environmental education program at 5 educational centers; support 260 marine patrols; and strengthening of two fishermen´s associations. In order to further promote the environmental fund is of the upmost priority to perform studies on economic viability or the FRZ in its different productive sectors.