Volume 59

Evaluación Ecológica de las Asociaciones de Peces Arrecifales en las Zonas de Colecta del Acuario Nacional de Cuba en el Litoral Norte de las Provincias Habaneras, Cuba

Chavalier Monteagudo, P.P., Cárdenas Enríquez, A.L.
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Date: November, 2006

Pages: 658

Event: Proceedings of the Fifty Nine Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: Belize City

Country: Belize


The working sites more frequented by Cuban National Aquarium’s biologists and specialists are located at the north coast of the Havana City and province Havana. Due to its proximity those sites are the more exploited for the collection of individual to conform the live exhibitions of that institution. Moreover this zone is under a strong interaction with country capital human activities. This area was studied due to the National Aquarium’s interest to maintain a sustainable and efficient exploitation of the reef fishes associations. The biotopes studied were 5: crests, shallow patches, submarine canals, slopes, spurs and grooves, and deep patches. Fishes were censed according to Brock (1954). The biomass of predator fishes is smaller than herbivores fishes, contrary that happens in the reef with fishes associations in good conditions. The low abundance of predator fishes of great size is a signal of high levels of fishing. Acanthuridae family has the biggest biomass values of the herbivores. This and the absence of the biggest species of the family Scaridae are another signal of the high levels of fishing. The more abundant species are the smaller. Slope has the highest abundance and diversity values

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