Volume 59
État de la Pêche Artisanale dans l’Archipel de la Guadeloupe en février 2006 et son Evolution depuis 1988
Komla-Soukha, N., Bouchereau, J.L. Download PDF Open PDF in BrowserOther Information
Date: November, 2006
Pages: 275-282
Event: Proceedings of the Fifty Nine Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute
City: Belize City
Country: Belize
Fishing remains traditional because of the characteristics of its resources (distance, density) little favorable to the development of an industrial fishing. Since twenty years, one observes a significant increase in the number of boats (1986: 797; 02/2006: 2041), fishermen (1988: 1305; 01/2006: 1680) and total horse-power (02/2006: 121.5.103 kW) of the fishing flotilla. The number of boats increases at certain landing sites, e.g. Deshaies (1995: 18; 2006: 71). The most important sites are: Port-Louis, Lauricisque (Pointe-à-Pitre), Rivière-Sens (Basse-Terre), Deshaies. These increases are followed by the fishing flotilla modernization (larger boats and out of resin, GPS). The fishing activities used are varied: traps, drag, net, trawl line, seine, Fish Aggregating Devices (FAD). However, one notes an increasing FAD park more developed in the Côte-Sous-le-Vent sector (2005: 56). The fishermen deplore the lack of infrastructures at some landing sites (ice-machine, pontoon, water, electricity bounds, mechanical assistance) and a continuous increase in the fuel price. In addition there is the competition of imported products saled in supermarkets proposing lower prices than those offered by the fishermen. Marketing remains a challenge for all the actors of small-scale fishing who wish the setting of cold store to better regulate in time the pelagic fish production and to preserve their employment