Volume 47

Estructura poblacional del botuto, Strombus gigas, de la Isla los Testigos, nor-Oriente de Venezuela.

Gómez, G.; Guzman, R.
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Date: 2005

Pages: 788-799

Event: Proceedings of the Forty Seventh Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: Fort Pierce, Florida

Country: USA


The fishery of the queen conch Strombus gigas, in the archipelago Los Testigos, is actually subjected at closed. In order to evaluate this official measure, the population structure of this resource was studied. A total of 110 individuals collected by autonomous diving, were examined. The estimated density of 0,02 ind/m2 indicates an over-fishing level of the queen conch in the zone. However, the predominance of middle-length in the size structure, seems to be related to the closure of the exploitation, imposed since 1991. The sex ratio was estimated as 0,9:1, which did not deviate from the 1:1 expected ratio (P>0,05). The Length-weight relation of females and males, respectively, was defined by the following equations: W = 2,6667*10-6*TL3,25181 and W = 2,9900*10-5 TL3,63893. It is recommend to continue studies about population dynamics and reproduccion of the queen conch in the area, as well as to maintain the closure of the fishery for three more years.

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