Volume 52

A Fisherman’s Dilemma and Fisheries Management

Kinch, A.
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Date: November, 1999

Pages: 285-289

Event: Proceedings of the Fifty Second Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: Key West, Florida

Country: USA


As a fisher you are most interested in catching plenty fish and making more money each trip. But suddenly realization hits you. You are not catching as much fish as before. You are not making enough money. Why? Fisheries management information is not reaching fishers as it should, and what little they get they do not pay any attention to. This is cause for concern and there is no simple solution. Fishermen and fisheries managers of ten work in different worlds and do not communicate as they should. This causes mistrust and disrespect for theknowledge of both sides. What is needed is more collaboration between fisheries science, management, and resource users emphasize sharing information and discoveries. This paper describes some of the problems encountered in this area, and possible solutions for consideration.

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