Volume 70

A Transatlantic Initiative Supports Exchanges Among Regional Networks of Marine Protected Managers Around the World and CaMPAM is at the Forefront

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Date: November, 2017

Pages: 349-350

Event: Proceedings of the Seventy Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: Merida, Yucatan

Country: México


After a first contact with MedPAN in 2010, CaMPAM continues to collaborate with this and other regional networks of MPA managers. Joint sessions with MedPAN, RAMPAO, NAMPAN and other regional networks were held at IMPAC3 in 2013 (a joint paper on the Mediterranean and Caribbean MPAs was published, click here), and at the Word Conservation Congress in 2016. What started with exchanges of coordinators to highlight the importance of regional networks to build MPA capacity has extended recently to site managers exchanges of the Caribbean, North and South America, Africa and Europe. This was possible thanks to the "Cooperation with Northern and Southern Transatlantic Dimension" project, supported by the European Union and aiming to establishing “transatlantic partnerships of marine protected areas’’. Site and networks managers have discussed the protection of species populations straddling the Atlantic Ocean, and management tools to increase resilience of coastal areas with intense tourism development and fishing. MPA managers from the Domini-can Republic, The Bahamas, the Dutch Caribbean and Mexico (all members of CaMPAM Expert Team) shared their experience on participatory MPA management and coral reef research and monitoring, and discussed priorities and opportunities for a second phase to implement twinning projects designed to share good MPA management practices.

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