Volume 67

Implementing the Bahamas Spiny Lobster Fishery Improvement Project to Improve Management of the Fishery

Burrows, F. and W. Goyert
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Date: November, 2014

Pages: 420

Event: Proceedings of the Sixty seven Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: Christ Church

Country: Barbados


The Bahamas is recognized for its industrious spiny lobster (Panularis argus) fishery and is one of the main exporters of lobster tails globally. Though the fishery seems stable, threats such as illegal, unregulated, and unreported harvesting of lobsters still exist. To enhance management and sustainability of the lobster fishery, The Nature Conserv-ancy, The Bahamas Department of Marine Resources, The Bahamas Marine Exporters Association (BMEA), and other conservation partners are working with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to implement a fishery improvement project (FIP) for the Bahamian lobster fishery. The FIP‘s goal is to work with stakeholders to advance the fishery toward meeting sustainable fisheries standards set by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) while preserving a healthy marine ecosystem. Feedback from stakeholders and experts were used to develop a workplan emphasizing major activities that must be to address the gaps identified in the lobster fishery management structure. Some of these activities include collecting fisheries dependent data; conducting outreach efforts; improving monitoring, enforcement and management and; conducting a stock assessment. To date, The Bahamas has implemented a catch certificate program; a zero tolerance policy within the BMEA against the harvesting and buying of illegal size lobsters; conducted a lobster stock assessments and; established a Government appointed Spiny Lobster Working Group consisting of various stakeholders that will advise the Government of schemes that aim to better management and governance. The expected outcomes of the FIP will consist of improved documentation and management of lobster stocks, sustained lobster populations and, greater environmental stewardship.

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