Volume 52

Diferenciación Sexual e Inicio de la Madurez de la Cachicata Blanca, Haemulon plumieri (Pisces:Haemulidae), en La Parguera, Puerto Rico

Mateo, J.; Appeldoorn, R.S.
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Date: November, 1999

Pages: 135-144

Event: Proceedings of the Fifty Second Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: Key West, Florida

Country: USA


The white grunt, Haemulon plumieri, is a dominant species and an important component of the sport and commercial fisheries in theCaribbean region. Because it is very susceptible to capture by all dominate gears (traps, nets, spears, hooks) this species is at risk of being overfished. The reproductive studies needed for management of this species are scarce and generally directed toward larger adults. A study was conducted from February to May of 1997 to characterize the early stages of reproductive development and to determine the lengths at differentiation and first maturation in H. plumieri. Individual details of behavior, length, and inshore-offshore distribution were recorded and the corresponding gonadic stage was determined. The minimal observed lengths at sexual differentiation was 72 mm FL in females and 86 mm FL in males, while sexual maturity started at 91 mm FL for females and 86 mm FL for males. Fifty percent of females were mature at 120 mm FL, 80 mm FL for males. These values are less than those previously reported for this species.

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