Volume 50
Analisis Preliminar de las Capturas de Serranidos Realizadas a Través de Unidades de la Flota Mayor en el Banco de Campeche, Yucatan
Colás-Marrufo, T.E.; Brulé, T.; Deniel, C. Download PDF Open PDF in BrowserOther Information
Date: November, 1997
Pages: 780-803
Event: Proceedings of the Fiftiesth-Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute
City: Merida
Country: Mexico
Grouper catches from technified fishing boats on Campeche bank were analyzed from May 1996 to September 1997. Seventeen species were identified: two of the genera Cephalopholis, 10 of Epinephelus and 5 of Mycteroperca. The first record was made for E. drummondhayi on the Yucatan continental shelf. Three species: red grouper (E. morio), black grouper (M. bonaci) and gag (M. microlepis) made up 99% in weight and 98% in number of total grouper catch during this study. Red grouper was the most abundant species in the catch (62% in weight and 88% in number), followed by black grouper (31% in weight and 8% in number) and gag (6% in weight and 2% in number). For all species studied, the fishing effort seemed to emphasize on the adult fraction of the populations. These results show how important it is to consider the multi-species aspect of the resource for implementing fishing management strategies.