Volume 50

Caracterización de la Fauna Bentónica Asociada a Colectores de Postlarvas de Langosta (Panulirus argus)

Mendoza Barrera, E.T.; Cabrera Vázquez, M.A.
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Date: November, 1997

Pages: 128-150

Event: Proceedings of the Fiftiesth-Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: Merida

Country: Mexico


The structure and composition of the benthic community caught by spiny lobsters postlarvae collectors (Panulirus argus) were studied. Sampling was conducted through March of 1990 and February of 1991, in the coastal zone adjacent to San Felipe and Rio Lagartos, Yucatan. The influence of the moon phases (first quarter and new moon), climatic seasons (dry, rains and north winds) and some abiotic factors (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and transparency) on the variability of the abundance in space and time was studied.\The benthic community was constituted by 21 taxonomic groups. The most important by their abundance were: Amphipcda, Isopoda, Harpacticoida, Decapoda, Archeaogastropoda, Tanaidacea, Polychaeta. Ostracoda, Ascidiacea, Pteroconchida and Pycnogonida. The highest abundances were registered during the winter season, in the marine sampling stations.\The effect of moon phases, climatic seasons and abiotic factors on spatial and seasonal abundance of taxonomic groups was analyzed using parametric (ANOVA) and non parametric methods (Kruskal - Wallis and Mann - Whitney test). The results showed that significant differences exist in the abundances between sampled locations and climatic seasons, but not between lunar phases. The temperature, dissolved oxygen and salinity where the abiotic factors with the most influence in the abundance of these organisms.

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