Volume 47

Sobrevivencia del caracol Strombus gigas en la región sur de Quintana Roo, Mexico.

Domínguez-Viveros, M.; Medina-Quej, A.; De Jesús-Navarrete, A.
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Date: 2005

Pages: 811-823

Event: Proceedings of the Forty Seventh Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: Fort Pierce, Florida

Country: USA


Within the principal economic activities in southern Quintana Roo, exists the exploitation of the queen conch, Strombus gigas. A major percentage of fishermen inhabit this zone and as in other regions, a decrease in abundance of the resource has led to development of programs towards its recuperation. In this study 50m2 corrals were installed in two areas (Chinchorro Bank and Punta Gavilan) and in each area four distinct environments were identified. In each environment an analysis was made of four siphonal lenght classes of juvenile conch, which showed that mortality decrease with size of the organism. In Punta Gavilan (PG) mortality is greater than in Chinchorro Bank (BCH) being homogeneous in PG and presented higher values in the ‘thalassia’ environment for PG and ‘sand’ for BCH.

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