Volume 59

Variabilidad genética del tiburón ballena (Rhincodon typus) en dos poblaciones aisladas: Caribe (Isla Holbox) y Golfo de California

Ramírez-Macías, D., Vázquez-Juárez, R., Galván-Magaña, F., De la Parra, R.
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Date: November, 2006

Pages: 541-548

Event: Proceedings of the Fifty Nine Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: Belize City

Country: Belize


The shark whale (Rhincodon typus) presents/displays a circumtropical epipelágica distribution. They present/display a service life with strategy K, doing them vulnerable to a bad operation; as he is to have great statures, slow growth, delayed maturation, longevos and probably small populations. It is a highly migratory organism, reason why the sustainable use of this threatened species depends on international collaborations. The knowledge on its Biology, ecology, and development is limited, not allowing the implementation of a protection adapted for its conservation. In the 2000 it was declared as vulnerable species in the red list of the IUCN and in Mexico were including in its red list in the 2001, because the populations have diminished years in the last which can bring negative consequences in its populations. For an adapted handling of the species, it is necessary to establish handling units, which can approach by means of the analysis of population Inter variation and intra. The quantification of the Inter variations and intra you specify of the sequences of the ADNm is a good tool to examine aspects on the population genetic structure, genetic flow, migratory movements, inside and between populations of sharks. In collaboration with the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (Area of Protection of Flora and Fauna Yum Balam and National Park Contoy Island) a project was made on population genetics of the shark whale. The highly polimorfito fragment of the region control of the ADNm of sharks whale was amplified and secuenciado to characterize the genetic variability between the populations of the Gulf of California (n=65) and Holbox Island in the Caribbean (n=58). We found greater levels variation in the Gulf of California with 23 haplotipos (h=0.92, = 0.01) that in Holbox Island with 15 haplotipos (h=0.78, = 0.01). The AMOVA revealed significant a geographic difference between the two ocean basins indicating that the populations of sharks whale are structured in a geographic scale

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