Volume 60

Identificacion de Moluscos de inters commercialcon analysis de DNA en Yucatan, Mexico

Rodriguez-Gil, L.A., Y. Rodriguez Romero, C.F. Reyes Sosa, J. Tello Zetina and R. Zamora Bustillos.
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Date: November, 2007

Pages: 541-546

Event: Proceedings of the Sixtieth Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: Punta Cana

Country: Dominican Republic


There has been increasing attention in the seafood industry to properly identify seafood products to avoid fraudulent labeling; new Technologies have placed a major role in that effort. Commercial product authentification is a serious problem since the external characteristics are lost due to processing, thus making it impossible to identify species origin. This study consisted of developing a technique based on Polymorphisms from DNA Restriction Fragments (RFLP), using endonucleasa restriction enzymes to identify mollusks of commercial importance in the state of Yucatan. The results indicated that restriction enzyme Sau3AI was the only capable polymorph endonucleasa to cut, detect, and characterize DNA from the species into several fragments, obtaining strands that are different from each other. The specie Fasciolaria tulipa showed 4 strands, Pleuroploca gigantea showed two strands and the species from the Genre Strombus gigas and S. costatus showed two equal strands which could not be differentiated between the two species.

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