Volume 71
Hurricane Harvey Damage Assessment: Provisional Results for the Texas Commercial and For-hire Fisheries and Associated Businesses
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Date: November, 2018
Pages: 155-157
Event: Proceedings of the Seventy Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute
City: San Andres Island
Country: Colombia
Shortly after Hurricane Harvey, NOAA Fisheries Southeast Regional Office coordinated a rapid appraisal of damages to the fishing industry and its support businesses within the state of Texas. NOAA staff began preliminary fieldwork in late September to organize the rapid appraisal. By early October NOAA staff was in the field conducting interviews with affected business owners, commercial and recreational fishermen. Fieldwork covered the coast from Nueces to Jefferson County, including Harris and continued through the first half of November. During the fieldwork phase an online survey was developed and provided to the state Texas to place on their websites. A phone survey was also developed and contract-ed out and was initiated once the fieldwork phase was completed. A total of 817 businesses and individuals participated in all phases of the appraisal in Texas. Damage assessment totals for various sectors are presented along with a discussion of the following disaster declarations and subsequent allocation of funds by Congress and preparations for future hurricane disasters.