Volume 62

Homogeneity morphological of shrimp Farfantepenaeus notialis (Pérez Farfante, 1967) in Colombian Caribbean Sea

Paramo, J.; Saint-Paul, U.
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Date: November, 2009

Pages: 98-108

Event: Proceedings of the Sixty -Second Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: Cumaná

Country: Venezuela


Farfantepenaeus notialis constitutes about 70% of the total shrimp catch in the Colombian Caribbean. In this study we examine morphological characteristics of F. notialis to investigate stock differentiation and discuss the importance of this information to fisheries management. The study was conducted in the Colombian Caribbean Sea from June to December of 2004 in four locations: the Uraba gulf (U), Morrosquillo gulf (M), Amansaguapos (AG), and La Vela cape (VC). Individual shrimp were measured according to ten body segments and sex determined. We used Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) ordination to generate two-dimensional plots of the morphometic indices between individuals of the different localities. The length-frequency distributions showed statistically significant differences between the measurements of both sexes, males were smaller than female in all measures. The NMDS of morphological differences between individuals (male/female) show strong overlapping and no clear separation between regions. We did not find morphometric variability between regions, which indicates a single population of F. notialis.

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