Volume 59

El Caso de las Pesquerías del Caribe de Guatemala

Hidalgo, H.
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Date: November, 2006

Pages: 145-154

Event: Proceedings of the Fifty Nine Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: Belize City

Country: Belize


This presentation is based in the need to divulgate to the Great Caribbean and Mexican Gulf Region the emptiness of information concerning the ecologic, economic, social, and anthropologic importance of fisheries in the Caribbean of Guatemalan. Historically, Guatemala is eminently known as a Forest and Agriculture Country. Moreover, it is necessary to depict the importance of the fisheries in the Gulf of Honduras Region and the efforts of Conservation and Management of the protected areas system by several international cooperants and external and internal development agents. The document presents interesting recollected data from various studies related to socioeconomics, statistics, and anthropologic aspects from the Guatemalan Caribbean Fisheries. The zone is very interesting because it is a bi-national conflict area and represents the natural relationships between fishermen from Guatemala and Belize boundaries. It is very relevant to pass this information with the objective that the Guatemalan Caribbean could insert in the Spanish and English Caribbean and that way reduce the gap that has existed between these two Caribbean. Also, the document presents important data of researches about target species from the zone. A detailed and summarized characterization of itself and its social interactions between the four cultures Garifuna, Maya, Ladina and Indu in the small Amatique Bay. The LTC implications and the expansions of the cruships and port activities are also an aspect in favor of this presentation as a future fishing threat from the region. Finally, it is needed take away the exposition of the systemized procedure that was held to finish a messy fishery, passing from a co-gestation process to a social one. After a lot of effort, it was accomplished the conformation of the Caribbean fishermen network and organizations

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