Volume 63

Caracterización del Hábitat de Juveniles de Langosta Panulirus argus en la Costa Central (Dzilam de Bravo) del Estado de Yucatán, México

Ríos Lara, G.V., C.E. Zetina Moguel, I. Sanchez Molina, J.I. Peniche Ayora, R. Medina González, J.C. Espinoza Méndez, y R. Moreno Mendoza
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Other Information

Date: November, 2010

Pages: 462-470

Event: Proceedings of the Sixty-Third Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: San Juan

Country: Puerto Rico


Habitat of lobster P. argus in late juvenile stage was characterized. Four sampling campaigns (April-June 2010) were made, 99 stations were located in places likely to find lobster identified by divers and video-transects were realized. Bottom types were identified and the lobster mean density was estimated, in both cases were interpolations (kriging). Data of ocean conditions (temperature, speed and direction of wind and height and direction of wave) and physicochemical parameters of water column (temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen) were recorded and analyzed. Species of algae, grasses, invertebrates and fishes associated with the habitat lobster were identified, coverage of substrates and benthic organisms were estimated based on 16 groups identified. Diversity index of the bottom structure and biological were estimated. Lobster were found in 51% of the stations, in 66% of these found from one to ten individuals, in 20% between eleven and twenty individuals and shelters with more than 20 lobsters were scarce. Lobster densities estimated for different types of bottom were of between 0 and 473 lobsters / ha. Diversity index in the area were: For bottom structure of 0.974 (East) and 0.761 (West) and for biological structure 0.801 (East) and 0.612 (West); both cases were statistically different (? = 0.05). Study area has a gradient of bottom types and both physical and biotic structures to the east, where diversity index are higher and where are located highest densities of lobsters. Sites with high densities of lobster are reduced.

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