Volume 55

Biological Evidence of Reduced Nursery Capability in Discovery Bay, Jamaica

Quinn, N.J.; Kojis, B.L.
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Date: 2004

Pages: 735-743

Event: Proceedings of the Fifty Fifth Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

City: Xel Ha

Country: Mexico


The protected waters of mangrove lined estuaries are considered nursery grounds for many important fisheries species. In the US Virgin Islands settlement rates of Panulirus arguspueruli on Witham collectors are muchhigherinnearshore estuarine habitats than those placed in off shore oceanic waters. In Discovery Bay, Jamaica, settlement of pueruli and recruitment of other organisms was higher on the exposed fore reef than in the estuarine waters. The lack of pueruli and the low recruitment of other organisms on collectors within the protected waters of the Discovery Bay estuary may be a function of habitat degradation. While much attention is given to over fishing around Discovery Bay, degradation of the near shore nursery habitat of Discovery Bay is seldom considered a major factor in the decline of local fisheries.

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